This program lets you create sorted lists of words, define word databases, countoccurrences of words in a document, exclude arbitrary words fromlists, perform simple batch spell checking or create a custom MS-Word dictionary.
Concorder 2.0.1 Demo
Concorder is a fully functional text and list editor. Its features include a configurable alphabet, as well as a powerful reference. Concorder is also available with a French interface, called Le Concordeur.
Concorder Greek Convert & Sort
This package includes materials to be used for processing Greek text documents with Concorder v.2 and U-Tile+ v.3.
Dossier LeConcordeur 2.0.1 Démo
Dossier LeConcordeur is a fully functional text and list editor in French. Its features include a configurable alphabet, as well as a powerful reference. It is also available with an English interface, called Concorder.
Dossier Utile+ 3.0.4
Dossier Utile+ 3.0.4 is the French version of the English program U-Tile+, a text and list editors. The entire package is in French. Don’t try to figure it out unless you speak the lingo.
Drop-MPSR will change the 'MPSR' resource to one that you configure. It will also change thecreator of the text file, font, and window position. This utility comes in handy when working with text files other people have created. Source code is also provided.
Eddan 1.0.2
Eddan features Colored C/C++ syntax, Mark menu, compatible with MPW, Marks C/C++ functions/methods, THINK References support., ToolServer support, Window information saved with document, compatible with MPW. Requires system 7 or newer.
FindText 1.2
FindText is a text finding utility for the Macintosh. The user is able to search a large volume of data (such as a hard drive) for a specific string of text. System 7 is required for use.
Forth 2 Latex 1.9
Forth 2 Latex takes Forth source code and converts it to LaTex so that it can be printed. Documentation is included. C and Modula-2 source code is also included.
HTML Edit 1.5b1
HTML Edit is a standalone HyperCard-based application. It can be used to create World Wide Web pages. This release is still a beta version.
JCONV-DD 1.8.1
A drag and drop application for conversion of JIS, SJIS and EUC files. It is also a fat binary application.
John's Char Styles 1.0.1
Word Perfect character styles macros.
Learn Selection Extension
Allows you to add a word or words to your FullWrite user dictionary without manually adding each word. This provides a convenient way to add a group of foreign or specialized words all at once. It can also be used to convert FullWrite 1.7 user dictionaries.
Ledic 1.0.1
This is a program for editing very large text files (like a book). It features an English dictionary/encyclopedia, hypertext and speech (using Apple’s PlainTalk). A good manual is included. This is a demo that will quit after running 5 minutes.
Leger 1.0.2
The biggest feature of this text editor is the English <–> German dictionary. It also boasts multiple open files, operations on files of unlimited length, speech capabilities and dictionary browsing.
LetterHeader 1.5.2
LetterHeader is a control panel device that lets you design one or more letterheads by importing PICTs and placing them on a mockup page. Then when printing a document, you get extra controls that let you automatically print your letterhead. A great utility if you fax a lot of stuff, or if you're tired of using the Scrapbook to paste your letterhead into your word processor.
MagicBullets 1.0
Place this extension in your system folder and when you copy to the clipboard use command-shift-c. This copies your data and brings up the Magic Bullets dialog which lets you: strip white space, wrap text, quote the selection, add ellipses, insert line feed characters and more! You can then paste it anywhere. Good as an email “buddy”.
Nisus Icons ‘n’ Rulers
This is an update of the previous hack made for Nisus 3.47 making the icons and ruler buttons a little bit better (and more realistic). Must have ResEdit 2.1 or similar to change icons and rulers in Nisus. Instruction file included.
NoteBook Maker 1.3
Notebook Maker is an application that allows the user to take a Macintosh text file of data, and create a ‘Notebook’ application. The Notebook application would integrate the information in an easy to browse and search format.
NotePad Deluxe 1.1
Notepad Deluxe is designed to replace the standard Macintosh Notepad. Among other features, it supports multiple subject areas and an unlimited number of pages.
OzTeX 1.8
OzTeX 1.8 is a Macintosh typesetting program using TeX, a science and math typesetting standard. Version 1.8 includes Metafont. OzTeX was uploaded in 13 different files, which are all contained in the OzTeX 1.8 folder.
SpectreWrite Pro v2.0
A HyperCard-based text processor that features a ruler/format bar, spell checking, find and replace, encryption and decryption, and other such features not normally found in simple text processors. Works on both text and RTF files. Help is built into the program (no Read Me).
Style Eyes
A SimpleText compatible text editor that supports search-and-replace and cut-and-paste operations on styles and pictures. Useful for creating Read Me files.
Tex-Edit 2.7.2
A text editor that supports search-and-replace, cut-and-paste operations on styles and pictures, can create simple hypertext documents and can read text using the Speech Manager. Should work great for all of your text editing needs.
Text Capture FKEY 2.3
Text Capture will copy styled text from an application to the clipboard by using an FKEY. It will also copy columns of text, however, it will not remember the paragraph formatting. The user can slightly configure the use of this FKEY.
Text Recovery
This HyperCard stack can import text files, particularly ASCII files. It can import up to a million characters and will show file size before importing. It then allows you to edit the file and export it again as text. Very useful when a word processor refuses to open a file.
Text Streamer v2.1
A drag-and-drop text concatenation program that will combine any number of files. Has several user-defined options.
U-Tile+ 3.0.4
U-Tile+ is a Macintosh text and list editor with several useful features, such as a configurable alphabet definition. There’s also a French version (Dossier Utile+ 3.0.4) just in case you speak French.
WORD Doc Opener 1.1
Drop MSWord files on it to have them opened by the appropriate Word version,should you have both Word 5 and 6. Requires AppleScript 1.1.
WordListMaker 1.6
Creates one files containing sorted lists of words, which can then be used as a MS Word custom dictionary. It takes as input several files and/or MS Word custom dictionaries and outputs the one file. You can also exclude arbitrary words from the output file.